California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs

Full Commission Meeting

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Time: 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM Pacific

In-Person Location: Chinese American Citizens Alliance, 415 Bamboo Lane, Los Angeles, California 90012

Virtual Link:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs will conduct an in-person meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.

Members of the public will be invited to provide comments at the time the specific agenda item is raised. Members of the public who wish to make a comment will be first taken in-person and then from zoom. Speakers are asked to limit their comment to 1-minutes. Under newly-signed AB 1261, by amendment to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, members of the public who use translating technology will be given additional time to speak during a Public Comment period. Upon request to the Chair, they will be given at least twice the amount of time normally allotted.


  1. Call meeting to order – Chair Serena Kirk
  2. Roll Call – Secretary Jason Paguio
  3. Vote Items: Approval of Full Commission Meeting Minutes – Chair Serena Kirk
    1. June 6, 2023 Minutes
    2. July 10, 2023 Minutes
  4. Opening Remarks – Chair Serena Kirk
  5. Personnel Updates
  6. Committee Updates – Commissioners
    1. Executive Committee Update
      1. Letter of Recommendation for Commissioner Villavicencio’s nomination to the California Community College Board of Governors**
    2. Higher Education Equity Committee Update
    3. Health Access Committee Update
    4. Proposed: Economic Equity Committee
      1. Present Rationale
    5. Proposed: Public Affairs Committee
      1. Present Rationale
    6. Public Comment
  7. Stop The Hate Update**
  8. Proposal: Commission Day At The Capitol
    1. Discussion
    2. Public Comment
  9. Proposal: 2023-2024 Listening/Briefing Sessions
    1. Discussion
    2. Public Comment
  10. Commission Branding
    1. Discussion
    2. Public Comment
  11. Relationship Cultivation
    1. Discussion
    2. Public Comment
  12. Public Comment – During this comment period, any person is invited to speak on any topic that is not listed on this agenda. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on a future agenda. Those who wish to comment on an item listed on this agenda may comment when that item has been opened for consideration by the Commission and before any action is taken.
  13. Comments from the Chair, Commissioners
  14. Adjournment


The Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Commission ensures that the meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. By providing that this notice and information given to Commissioners is available to the public in appropriate alternative formats when requested. If you need further assistance, including disability-related modifications or accommodations, contact as soon as practicable, and at least by the day before the meeting.


Requests for information prior to the meeting may be directed to Lance Toma at To view this agenda online please visit our website at 

*Agenda items are subject to change

** Revised agenda items since original posting